Friday, October 31, 2008

now this is a bike

seiko final fantasy the spirits within watch

worn by dr. aki

Thursday, October 30, 2008

pharrel can't skate

so he tries fixies!
he's not even doing a track stand! he's holding himself up!
not hating, but with the money i would have built a much better bike...

still an awesome picture in front of the kaws portrait and a talented man.
dude's 35!

next will be kanye! haha
(now that's a frame)


watching in anime club.
so good.
going to volunteer at metrocon next year.
sign up now if you are interested.

life lesson

people will always forget the good and remember the bad.

to people who i dislike i will never hate because i know that everyone has good in them.

you all should never forget the good of what other's have done for you.

move on, but never forget.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

this time last year



always have been.
always will be.

i feel old

Supreme Book Vol.4

of course, infamous terry will be shooting it


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

this B.U.D.'s for you

any unsold toys will be available for purchase from the site this Friday 10/31 at 12pm EST.

view photos here

free taco bell today till 6pm

a hardshell taco for everyone in america because of the "Steal A Base, Steal A Taco" World Series promotion.

i'm off to to 2.
free dinner!!!

trash talk in rolling stones

this is usually a no no, but this is just insane.

Trash Talk
Playing three shows at three venues in one night, Sacramento punk powerhouse Trash Talk lived up to the short, fast and intense spirit that of their debut album — a self-titled blink-and-you-miss-it blur fueled by early, spazzy Black Flag and later, sludgy Black Flag. At the first show at Brooklyn's Europa, lead singer Lee Spielman gave his all, flailing around in the audience, doing somersaults and generally egging on the 50-or-so kids diving on each other's shoulders. On whether they could actually pull off doing three shows in one night, Spielman said, "I?ll probably be dead. There's drink tickets at all these shows." CHRISTOPHER R. WEINGARTEN

phil wood spokes

very nice

the only day

i've been keeping in light is this friday night.

i need an amazing cosplay costume!

Monday, October 27, 2008

do it when you're bored!

i totally fed people tonight.

Mike Giant at White Walls Gallery, San Francisco

nike hong kong

opened october 25th last weekend

Sunday, October 26, 2008

visually stunning...

he's backkkk

the new issue of Vapors Magazine is out and Issue 50 features the artwork by artist Futura 2000 on the cover. With his recently held exhibition in L.A., Futura is back on the map and Vapors could not have a better timing with the cover story.

full story here
Man On The Moon (The Anthem) - KiD CuDi

requiem for a dream

i've never watched a more disturbing movie.
i guess it can be considered a masterpiece because of how it made my emotions swirl downwards.
of how well movie twisted my sense of morals.
i literally wanted to kill myself after watching this film.
it made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

which led me to the ultimate sad clarity of my life.

if i had no family i would not hesitate to end my existence.
suicide is bliss when day ends in my head.
realizing that everything i have lived is a lie and every happiness i always pushed away.
realizing i can not change as a person.
that this world would be a much better place without me.
that everything i have ever came in contact with has bettered without me.
i've yet or will have this proven wrong.

i hope one day i never wake.
to sleep forever.

life is beautiful, but i shall never see it.
i am undeserving of happiness, and every danger i see fit to death brings excitement.

if there is a god in the sky and you see this, please do me the favor of letting me sleep forever.
because i have given up on life in this world.

material possessions and a lust to earn cred so i can find love to my impossible expectations is all i am.
nothing of me is real and my love is false.
i don't know how to love.
i don't know love.

fuck i am a sad person.
there is no word to describe the lies i live everyday.

i just want to meet my death.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

bold hype


Friday, October 24, 2008

do i deserve this?

Wait out on the sand,
Until the moonlight holds your hands.
There you'll fall in love,
You'll never have to run again.

I can't get enough of this feeling,
Of believing that I'll be the one.
I'll be the one to someday save you.
Lovely, she is my moonlight
I wish I could be hers too.

Wait out in the dark,
Until the moon burns through your heart.
Then you'll find some peace,
You'll never know my name again.

I can't get enough of this feeling,
Of believing that I'll be the one.
I'll be the one to someday save you.
Lovely, you are my moonlight
I wish I could be yours too.

I'll take you from this place straight to the moon.
And I'll throw the anchor oh, just to you.
Lovely, my moonlight maybe on the other side,
I'll learn to love you right.

I can't get enough of this feeling,
Of believing that I'll be the one.
I'll be the one to someday save you..
Lovely, you are my moonlight
I wish I could be yours too.
Lovely, you are my moonlight
I wish I could be yours too.
Lovely, you are my moonlight
I wish I could be yours too

my dream last night..

in the last year i've had many nightmares of one person.
never in this world thought emotions could control one's dream until i went through it myself.

however, for the first time. i dreamed of a a girl who was with me in a apartment complex most likely in california at night.
she came to see me and was hugging and kissing on me all night. honestly, i've never felt happier with an imaginary sense of love. she was so amazing and i can not even remember what she looked like besides being a white girl. very odd because i always wanted an asian girl...

that dream, it felt so real. i've never felt so alive in my life.
haha i sound so lame!

oh well...

time to watch appleseed ex machina for friday move night!
fuck 9:30 classes on saturday

supreme x porter

"Porter will be producing these rather nifty looking wallets for Supreme Daikanyama store’s 10th anniversary.The bold block colours work exceedingly well with the texture of the woven leather, whilst the metal accents are just the icing on a very sweet cake."

Thursday, October 23, 2008


dislocated my right shoulder for the 4th fucking time!
luckily it popped back in by itself 5 minutes after walking out my car to the hospital here.
the hospital seemed like a resident evil scene so i am stoked i did not need to go in.

that makes 9 dislocations total!
i am in need of this surgery fast in december.
i hate the healing process it's so disgusting and i gained like 10 pounds from lack of exercise
from my last one. i pray it does not happen again.

i ate taco bell for the first time in forever and i feel like fucking shit.
but it was good after the recommended bean/cheesy fiesta potato combo joy recommended.

i just want some sex and juice.

bike porn

oohhh babyyyy

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

but in the end

this is all i know.

vans x fixed gear london


square one

Climbing your way through my
friends. How can they not see
your foolish ends? I'm running
out of room to breathe. And you’re
spreading out like a fucking
disease. No one will catch you
when you fucking fall Talk shit
on all your friends, makes you
feel ten feet tall. Running out
of ladder to climb, You'll
fucking fall soon. Everyone will
see you’re a fake And I'm left
laughing in your face.
Back to square one
how does it taste?
Back to square one
Back to square one
Back to square one
Never come around
Back to square one
How does it feel?
Back to square one
You’re fucking done
Back to square one

hope people know

daphne isn't playing.
the girl made a mistake and saw last year's tour.

thought i save people the trouble of making themselves look dumb and tell people not to drive down there.
with people's bad luck/being broke and all, i suppose i am doing a good thing.
i wish work and school were my biggest problems while living with mom and dad.

complain complain complain.

now go fuck ugly in spite of me! c;

fcking awsm

rumored to be limited around 700 worldwide.
beta has them
2432 E. Robinson St. Orlando, Fl. 32803

however they are a bit on the snobby side. not to me, but from others i've heard and their blog.
the streetwear scene is going downhill because of elitists.
their slogan "teaching fools basic rules" definitely attracts people right?

anyways still the nicest store in orlando followed by reign.
they carry some pretty good stuff for florida.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


i don't know if this is the cutest animal ever or should i be grossed out.

you decide

phil holt

at redletter1
his work is renowned and rising in the art/tattoo world.
in order to get this guy you must book weeks in advance.
if you haven't been to the new studio in ybor it is directly diagonal from the old shop on the first floor, you must check out
the work from "trilateral" that is still up on display.

very simple/modern look. do not be intimidated and just go in, the staff is extremely nice.

some of these pieces range from $800 to thousands.