Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9-27 ride

downtown, ybor, hyde park, davis island, bayshore

Monday, September 29, 2008


i have this figure and it's sitting right in front of me!
i could def sell this but i won't because of my obsession owning toys/models.

check out the ebay link


this state

is killing me slowly

Sunday, September 28, 2008

horrible news!

Ryan Reynolds Weds Scarlett Johansson
life ends -_-

however after watching, "smokin aces" and "definitely maybe" i rather have him marry her than someone else.

in other news my body is scarred and fucked up after riding through the city and pretty much all downtown tampa after i took a huge spill. will be posting pics later.

Friday, September 26, 2008



Thursday, September 25, 2008


we've finally finished watching it in class.
i didn't appreciate this movie when i was younger.
now with an more mature mind i can appreciate how elegant this film truly is.

i find it funny the japanese characters are played by chinese actors haha.
i am not obsessed of japanese women, but all asian women in general.
if people only knew that the japanese looks like chinese and vice versa for the typical kawaii appearance.
if you were to put two next to each other, i promise you would never know this day and age.
i could care less of appearance when there are so many beautiful girls in this world.

i also finally went to the anime club and watched interstella 5555.
it is sick, such a late pass for me though. however, i finally started to do things for myself and not care of what others think anymore.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008


i miss our battle with 11 or 12 idiots running shooting each other without masks in night.
i was victorious!

had to cheer myself up!

been a while

since is rained hard.
i don't feel well.
i tried working out only to be followed by a sharp stomach pain 5 minutes on the treadmill.

did i so something wrong to make the world mad today?
if so..
forgive me destiny.

it's so hard to hold my tongue and not lash out at others.
i'm so different from my friends, i feel so alone.
an outcast among misfits.
yet this is all i deserve.

nostalgic thoughts never leave at night.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


day well spent


i gained 2 pounds this one weekend! every time my dad's in town we eat so well.
time to hit the gym again. ugh....
in other news, went to uberbot last night and voted while enjoying a cupcake!
i wonder who won?!?

Friday, September 19, 2008


one of the most amazing films i've seen in my life.
if not the most beautiful creation by a film maker.
many of you will not understand this and yet laugh at me.
people will judge me of my movie critiquing skills.
however, i need not to explain myself why it is one of the most important movies i've seen.
from sci-fi to love. things i adored and dreamed as a child.
visually stunning..
this is just how i feel. it includes so many aspects of life i can relate.
hoping that one day i can forgive myself and become a better person.
life lessons alex.. life lessons that i will cherish till the end.
i'm far from perfect but i'm striving day by day to reach clarity.
things are getting better. and things will get better.
i will one day feel what i once felt before. to hold onto and learn.
till then, i will push myself to the fullest. to live for joy and happiness.
for peace and equality.

for love..

i hope each and everyone of you a beautiful life.


only things i look forward to in the upcoming weeks is getting tattooed and riding with fernando through the city.
can't wait to ride through nyc with him.

dad's back!

just for this weekend.
things always get better when i see him.
there is a lot of trouble in my family right now, however things always pull through.
in the end they are the only ones we truly have.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


one day..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i need an escape

Monday, September 15, 2008

i should be working on my paper

only in china

so tired... school... ugh. i need sleep

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I ate moon cake!
did a lot of yardwork at my moms.
back in tampa tonight for brother's birthday dinner at cafe japon and of course the festival.
i remember walking down the streets of taipei with my grandma as a kid watching fireworks and holding my toy lantern.
ahhh good memories that make me smile!

p.s.i also emailed the hundreds hoping that their experience in taipei does not reflect their image of the country.


is not yours, but for everyone.
you have a lot of growing up to do.. excuse me, you both have alot of growing up to do.
as do i.
we all change(d)
accept it, move on, live.

g'night beautiful world

Saturday, September 13, 2008





Friday, September 12, 2008


today was great.
i went applying for jobs and went out with my friend.
tonight was fun and unboring for the most part.
i picked a new figure of a rare amx 107 figuring from the gundam wing line and it turned out to be a rare one that was not in the collection! the manager for japan hq is one of the nicest people in the world both times i met him at both malls. i really enjoy talking about anime with him and the things he is teaching me about models and certain series. it was interesting hearing about bape stores he has visited worldwide. dude is legit and backed hard.

also met some girl who worked for metrocon and gave me advice about anime clubs and what not to join so i guess that was cool? haha

but i ate mcdonalds, chips, icecream, and candyyy which was the only downside yet great part of my day. i haven't ate bad in soooo long.
however, the best part was talking to my bestfriend jjjames for over 2 hours. yes i am gay. but it was nice to hear from him and how greatly his life has improved. i could not be anymore happy for him besides being home. i really miss him...

anyways tomorrow is the day i go to class and hopefully have enough courage to do something! fingers crossed raisin! >_<

Thursday, September 11, 2008


through the hardest of times and when one is at their lowest. know there are those much worse off than you who will not even get to taste the beauty of life. to never know and feel the things we take for granted. it hurts i know, it hurts so much more than anything you've felt. however, you will live if you choose to see that there is so much more because there is. you will not die alone. it takes time, it may take years.. though, i promise you will reach clarity if you truly try. so breathe..

a nostalgic view i knew since i was young. always passing mt. fuji on flight returning to the states or taiwan. as a child it has always brought a sense of imagination. i always thought that is where godzilla sleeps! a memory i always cherished and place i wished to visit. one day i hope see this beautiful landscape in front of me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

people judge by appearance

Monday, September 8, 2008


kanye did an amazing performance with a broken heart

interesting design for the masses?

i need

Two new packs have released as part of the Head Porter Fall/Winter 2008 collection. The Japanese brand presents the Block Check series, consisting of bags and pouches of all sizes, featuring a plaid pattern on the upper in different colorways.