Thursday, September 11, 2008


through the hardest of times and when one is at their lowest. know there are those much worse off than you who will not even get to taste the beauty of life. to never know and feel the things we take for granted. it hurts i know, it hurts so much more than anything you've felt. however, you will live if you choose to see that there is so much more because there is. you will not die alone. it takes time, it may take years.. though, i promise you will reach clarity if you truly try. so breathe..

a nostalgic view i knew since i was young. always passing mt. fuji on flight returning to the states or taiwan. as a child it has always brought a sense of imagination. i always thought that is where godzilla sleeps! a memory i always cherished and place i wished to visit. one day i hope see this beautiful landscape in front of me.

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