Monday, December 29, 2008

new films

worth the time.



lauren porter´s gestrickter ferrari

via:lauren porter

Friday, December 26, 2008

undefeated billboard by neil leifer

undftd version 21

Thursday, December 25, 2008

bonnes vacances...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


japanese young mayo-loving trendies...
the japs are the ultimate trend jumpers.
trend jumping is a lifestyle itself for them because they are so damn good at it.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


but who am i to talk?

this past week

so much has happened. things i never thought possible have occurred. tried and experienced new things. good and bad, you live you learn. i had the craziest experiences and i can say the same about my friends. from riding till my legs could not move more, to have an awkward korean man talking to me about the internet. good fucking times besides eating the dollar menu every damn day. friends are back and i am chillin till infinity or what time allows. myspace gone, probably be back soon. girls just don't understand the concept of friendship for the most part. i'm too fucking nice. i have no feelings for anyone else but one. she's way cooler than ya'll. geez. jjjames is back and we have changed for the funner haha. i'm still stronger than him even after his military training lolz. man it's been like a week since i worked out. i feel so lazy and fat. this weather slows down my metabolism and my will to exercise. xmas soon, and more hard chillin then back to my edyoumikaytion and work.
i need to go poop now.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

murakami in frankfurt germany

via:MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst

only in asia

note: none of these are fake.

hong kong

saw this bad boy in taiwan.

world's most expensive phone

$1.45 million...


WK INTERACT + ANTHONY LISTER at Elms Lesters Gallery, London. from Dan Fontanelli on Vimeo.

supreme x visvim

the collective product

Friday, December 19, 2008

fewcha poleese fose

fragment x incase

props stpl.


give it up already, you really know nothing of my life.
why do you even bother burdening yourself with me?
there's really no more point.

just sayin'

Thursday, December 18, 2008

p.s. i love you

Accross The Stream - Elsiane

greek riots

the cost...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

fixed issue 2


Monday, December 15, 2008


finally got my hands on the original fake (kaws) x head porter wallet.

i love you ryan!



Sunday, December 14, 2008

Horiyoshi III

the man, the legend.
one of the first few in japan to have their heads tattooed.
it would be an honor to have my head tattooed under his hands one day.

how the mighty have fallen

is now the home of the infamous $2.49 cleaners in orlando!!!!
i guess "the kings of culture" just didn't have what it takes to spread the CuLtUre.
will be going there for my dry-cleaning.

shoes thrown at bush

President Bush ducked out of harm's way when a man threw his shoes at him during his farewell trip to Iraq.
The man, later identified as Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Iraqi-owned Al-Baghdadiya television based in Egypt, shouted "this is the end" as he hurled them at the American leader.
The moment was captured from different camera angles and shows the president's reaction afterwards.


i honestly just feel bad for him at this point...

Saturday, December 13, 2008


leather toeclips
via:carnival tokyo